Myoelectric prosthesis control with several degrees of freedom
Göttingen, 09.01.2018
MBM ScienceBridge GmbH successfully negotiates an exploitation agreement for a prosthesis steering control system between the University Medical Center Göttingen and the global player Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH
The prosthesis control involves a multi-functional limb movement auxiliary device and a steering method based on combined estimation regimes of multiple degrees of freedom. This allows a fluent, almost natural movement of the prosthesis. The system including sensors, analysis unit and stimulation unit are contained in the prosthesis. No surgery is required. Otto Bock receives the exclusive rights for commercial exploitation The University and their scientists receive finantial payments in return.
About Georg-August-University Göttingen
The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, was founded in 1737 in the spirit of the Enlightenment, which laid and continues to lay the foundation - both in the natural sciences and in the humanities - for the present day University's excellent reputation.
About MBM ScienceBridge GmbH
The MBM ScienceBridge GmbH is a fully owned subsidiary of the University of Göttingen and acts on its behalf as a technology transfer interface to companies around the world. The IP portfolio managed by MBM ScienceBridge covers innovation in the areas of Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Optics, Agriculture, Forestry and Medical Technologies.
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