MBM ScienceBridge GmbH
- Life science
- Activity-improved human Asparaginase for Cancer therapy
- Novel Cry proteins for treating parasitic nematodes
- _Acid Cocktail for bacterial load reduction
- Increase or Inhibit Protein Production for selected Genes
- Dual Target Drugs for treatment of Heart Failure
- FLIX-NANOPORE for analyzing transcription factor-DNA interactions
- Novel Channelrhodopsin for optogenetic therapies
- ONE Microscopy - fluorescent imaging on Nanometer scale
- Device for culture and measure tissue engineered products
- Antiviral combination therapy for RNA viruses (e. g. Sars)
- GMP-compatible methods for tissue-engineered human heart tissue
- Improved marker vaccine against classical swine fever
- New approach for Ligh-Sheet-Deconvolution
- Targeted Demethylating Gene Therapy of Fibrosis
- Antibodies for Licensing
- Aberration correction for STED microscopy
- PCR diagnostic paratuberculosis detection (Johne’s disease)
- Genetic Test for Bleeding disorders in Dogs
- Genetic Test for Shar-Pei Autoinflammatory Disease (SPAID)
- Monoclonal antibodies against biotinylated AP-tag / Avi Tag
- Animal model for sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease
- Animal model for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)
- Animal model for arthritic diseases
- Pet food mouldings from popcorn with low caloric value.
- Pan-Coronavirus Therapy - viral genome disruption with Cas13
- Culture Collection of Algae of Göttingen University (SAG)
- Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease with an antibody against oligomeric pyro-Glu-Abeta peptides
- 1-vector otoferlin DFNB9 gene therapy
- Pharmacologically controlled vector for CNS gene therapies
- Bio-engineered neuronal organoids from human stem cells
- Medical technology
- Wood & Agrotechnology
- Physics & Technology & Software
- ADSYNX - Adaptive Control Method for Signal Synchronization
- Computer-implemented method for checking and correcting of TDR impedance profiles
- Switchable adsorption materials for selective separation processes
- Sustainable compounds for efficient flotation purification processes
- Efficient fixation of pelvic ring fractures
- Efficient reduction of brake dust by filter sealing and housing design
- Sustainable composite structures
- Nanofluidic voltage generator
- Efficient frequency selective signal filtering
- Hub and shaft-hub connection
- Plasma electrodes for pulse energy enhancement
- Mechanical propeller emergency stop mechanism
- Efficient generation of plasma-activated aerosols
- Power sensor for cold atmospheric pressure plasma
- Micro-structured black titania surfaces
- Biobased adhesive formulation
- Z-shifter - diffractive labeling of curved surfaces
- Superimposed CGHs using laser ablation of diffractive pixels
- STED principle for laser back ablation
- Self-locking connection hook
- Flexible hollow fiber for pulse compressors
- Embedded flexible hollow fiber
- Preconnection element for the protection of hollow fibers
- Figure correction of glass substrates
- X-ray target for generating x-ray radiation from waveguides
- On-chip solid-state Zn-air microbatteries
- Carbon PreForm - pre-prepared anode material
- Extrusion moulding of metallic materials
- Cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at reduced pressure
- Brake dust filter hood with vortex generator and final separator
- Extraction system for brake dust and tire wear
- Technology to predict iron clogging and corrosion in water and hydraulic systems
- PLASMA-ROLLER for conditioning of surfaces
- Filter unit with microwave resonator
- Ultra-stable cryostage for cryo fluorescence microscopy
- Flexible plasma electrode for treatment of irregular surfaces
- Plasma device for tapes and other flexible materials
- Commercial vehicle lightweight chassis
- Plasma hand dryer
- Raman Refractometer Analyser Tool
- Diffractive marking of glass
- Optical Image Scanning Microscope
- LICE ERASER - reliably killing of head-lice and their nits
- Polarization Lightsheet Microscopy
- Plasma device to treat hair loss
- CRISTAL – sample embedding for correlative microscopy
- Chemistry
- Successfully licensed
- Services
- What are the differences between a patent and a utility model?
- What are the steps of an international patent application (PCT application)?
- What are the steps of a German patent application?
- Does the inventor receive a share from commercialization revenues even if he leaves the university?
- What are the financial benefits for inventors?
- What costs arise for the inventor if the employer files a patent application for the service invention and commercializes it?
- What are the costs of patenting?
- What are the benefits for the department of an inventor?
- Can an inventor confidentially inform potential industry partners about the invention?
- Does a publication of a Ph. D. thesis damage a patent application?
- Can an inventor publish the invention prior to a patent application or can he present it at a conference?
- Does the inventor have to observe special deadlines? Should an inventor act quickly?
- How long does it take to apply for a patent?
- Where can I get the invention disclosure form (“Erfindungmeldung”)?
- Should an inventor complete the invention disclosure form („Erfindungsmeldung“) first and then contact MBM ScienceBridge GmbH?
- How should the inventor prepare for first a meeting?
- How are inventions within our network of universities and research institutions handled?
- When is a professor a free inventor?
- Does the declaration of an invention put my planned publication at risk?
- When is an invention a free invention?
- How do you recognize an invention?
- Who we are
- Team_en
- News and press
- JEOL-IDES Licenses Advanced TEM Technology from Max Planck Society and Georg-August-University Göttingen
- Transfecting otoferlin to to cure hearing impairment
- Therapy for multiple sulfatase deficiency
- License Agreement between UMG and Immunic
- New Method of Genotyping in Plant Breeding
- Local wood with fire protection properties
- Insulation using popcorn
- mRNA vaccine production
- Panels and walls made of popcorn
- Popcorn – Packaging for the future
- Safety on the way to effective tumour cell killing
- Göttingen tissue engineering enables drug screening thanks to new production methods
- Fast, convenient & standardized: New lab innovation for automated tissue engineering & drug
- New perspectives in the biosynthesis of lipids in plants.
- Swiss pharmaceutical company licensed Göttingen cell lines
- BalanceBoard – Wood is replaced by annually-regenerating fibrous plants:
- MBM ScienceBridge GmbH negotiates exploitation agreement between Georg-August-Univesität Göttingen and global player from Finland Stora Enso Oyj for a new wood/timber treatment
- Fast, specific, sensitive and robust – Paratuberculosis test for ruminants developed by Göttingen scientists
- Myoelectric prosthesis control with several degrees of freedom
- Advisory board